Thank you for such an honest and thoughtful piece. I agreed that confidence is something that needs to be consistently cultivated. And I love your prompts, I’ll be taking them into a writers hour soon. Thank you for the recommendations too!

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Francesca Specter

Never have I wished for a highlight feature so badly! I also wonder how confidence and fear play into each other, I’ve always thought I was full of fears but now I can see a nice mix of low confidence in there too. Excited to dive into some of the suggested readings!

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Loved this - great advice, especially the confidence list! Started scribbling mine down immediately and even the act of doing so was a little boost 🔥

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Francesca Specter

“Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness-I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.”

Aaron Copland

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Francesca Specter

Oh I loved this. Francesca, you are such a good writer. You write with confidence and humility and it’s a joy to read. I’m reading this listening to birdsong and drinking coffee on my day off in a little town in Texas. Confidence to me is feeling rested and thriving in my routine, free to be myself in my best thrifted outfit on a good hair day. That’s this week anyway! Gracias por compartir ✨

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Very good piece. For years I have suffered (not the best word I know) from low self-esteem which has now become zero self-esteem. I've stopped thinking about 'doing the things I love' fishing, golf, pub suppers etc) because they are not possible now. So I do still try to do small things each day and yes I do have a list on my phone! It's a vicious circle though and I'm in retreat from friends until I can feel up to, well, being friendly again! But you're right it's certainly small steps. Thank you for the very good read..

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Such an interesting topic and great tips- thank you

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Thank you Francesca, so much of the resonates with me. You comment about actions and repeating is so true in relation to so many aspects of our lives. But I am the world’s worst procrastinator and that is something I need to beat

I think there is often a myth that as you grow older you confidence and self esteem grow, and maybe tails off a bit as you get ‘old’. I wish it was so easy. The one thing have learnt is that often the most confident people on the outside are not on the inside.

When I am most confident? That’s a difficult one, I do recognise when my ‘professional’ mask switches on, it is almost like a costume that makes me feel different, I know about what I am talking about, even if now I’ve retired. I also feel confident talking with people I trust, they are all very different.

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