Happy Thursday! To mark three months of The Shoulds, I’m doing a flash sale of 20% off all subscription plans… so if you’ve been meaning to become a paid member, now’s your chance. Subscribe now to read this & all future issues.
Ding dong, the witch is dead. January, the nation’s least favourite month, is over. And, I don’t know about you, but personally I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s not like I didn’t try. Truthfully, I had lofty ambitions for the beginning of winter:
I read Wintering: The Power of Rest & Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May (more on this later)
I tried and failed to be strict about bedtimes
Floored by -4 temperatures, I took the mantra ‘There’s no bad weather, just bad clothing’ to its logical conclusion: extra-warm Uniqlo heat-tech; two jumpers; Sweaty Betty thermal leggings; thick jeans; gigantic puffer; hat; scarf n’ gloves; three pairs of socks
I did Dry January – for a week. ‘Damp January’ thereafter
I spent long stints in my yoga studio’s sauna, the room of semi-naked people as tightly-packed yet as silent as a London Underground carriage at rush hour